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Dwelling house"][/tooltip]
Office, Workshop, Gym, Room, Granny"][/tooltip]
Log structure only"][/tooltip]
Standard Log House kit"][/tooltip]
Turn-key finish"][/tooltip]
Round notch style"][/tooltip]
Canadian notch style"][/tooltip]
Norwegian notch style. Flat logs, 200mm thick"][/tooltip]
One storey"][/tooltip]
One and a half storey. Mansard roof"][/tooltip]
Two storey"][/tooltip]
Central heating"][/tooltip]
Urban water supply"][/tooltip]
Local water supply"][/tooltip]
Urban sewage"][/tooltip]
Local Septic Tank"][/tooltip]
Total floor space required"][/tooltip]
Your home/cabin building budget, €"][/tooltip]
Country, County, City or Town."][/tooltip]
Your email address"][/tooltip]
Your house plans, sketches or designs."][/tooltip]
Your phone number"][/tooltip]
Google, Social Networks, word of mouth,..?"][/tooltip]